Entries by ajtowf

Using Microsoft OAuth Identity provider with IIS Express

Shouldn’t be any problem right? Facebook apps allows you to specify localhost for the callback/redirect url. Sweet! But microsoft doesn’t! So this is what I did. I created a new application https://account.live.com/developers/applications/create and specified kingen.se as redirect domain. I added a DNS record to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts that routes to kingen.se. I changed the site binding in %Documents%\IISExpress\config\applicationHost.config […]

ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS

I really think these two frameworks don’t mesh together too well and this blog post is me trying to explain why. If you’re used to traditional MVC with full page refreshes, views, server side partials etc. and you’ve decided that you want to use a bit of angular inside your pages you are going to […]

Lab days with focus on security (STS, WebApi, WCF and WIF)

Lab days once again at work, this time I focused on security. Can’t share the code this time since it contains some company confidential stuff but the diagram below basically summarizes my architecture idea. Securing WCF service with WIF There are plenty of blogs out there descibing how to do this so I’m not going […]

WinRT app @ Labdays

Installed win8 on my work laptop not too long ago so I decided to create my first winrt app during lab days at work. Due to lack of imagination I created a simple dashboard app for our product SAFE (really ugly page on saabgroup btw). Started of by looking at some sessions on channel9 and googled […]

Performance measurement ASP.NET MVC vs. WebAPI

I’ve been playing around with WebAPI for a couple of days now and I’m quite pleased with most of it so far. At work we have a stripped down a MVC3 site (threw away the M and the V) for ur public REST interface. Except for the ugly ActionResults in the controllers we are satisfied […]

Dell 5530 HSPA Driver for Windows 7 on E6410

So after a couple of hours of struggling I finally managed to get it working! What I basically needed to do was to remove the machine check for the Dell 5530 Windows 7 driver installer for E6400 http://downloads.dell.com/comm/R251153.exe. I’ve uploaded the modified msi here, hope it saves somebody a headache. EDIT: Noticed that my modified msi will […]

Building real-time web app with SignalR

We just recently had lab days at work which for me basically means that I can play around with some new tech to keep myself up to date. Anywho, one of the things I tried out was SignalR which is a .net library for building real-time, multi-user interactive web applications. To goal was to build […]